Healthy hair is a result of consistent daily care. If you just stop taking care of yourself, your hair will suffer, too and this will be visible for a long time. Some little changes in your everyday routine are able to reverse the damage and will help you to maintain healthy, smooth strands.

Drink a lot of water. The hair, like the whole body, needs hydration to be flexible and vibrant.

Take supplements if you think your diet lacks vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.

Avoid or better stop the consumption of alcohol, coffee, soft drinks.

Do not smoke.

Use combs and brushes with natural bristles.

Use gentle hair shampoo and quality hair conditioner suitable for your hair type. Massage the scalp gently while shampooing.

Do not wash your hair with hot water, it strips the strands and irritates the scalp. Use lukewarm water and always finish with a cold water rinse. The cold water closes the cuticles of the hair’s shaft increasing its reflectivity and adding luster.

When it’s possible let your hair air dry. When you have to use the hairdryer, do not use the hottest airflow and finish with cold air. Hold the hairdryer above the head directing the airflow from the roots to the ends, like the professional hairdressers do. This way the airflow seals the cuticles to the shaft, adding shine.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6809656